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Australian gambling losses soar – survey

| By iGB Editorial Team
Gamblers in Australia lost about 8% more during 2014-15 compared to the previous 12 months, according to a comprehensive new study.

Gamblers in Australia lost about 8% more during 2014-15 compared to the previous 12 months, according to a comprehensive new study.

Figures released in the Australian Gambling Statistics survey found that players were Aus$22.7 billion (€15.3 billion/$17.4 billion) down over the course of the year, with pokies accounting for almost Aus$12 billion of that figure.

Some Aus$815 million was lost to sports betting, which was just a fraction of the pokies figure but up about 30% on the prior period.

According to the survey, which was compiled by the Queensland Treasury, racing losses were almost Aus$3 billion, while lottery was just under $2 billion.

Total gambling-related losses were greatest in NSW, at Aus$8.9 billion, followed by Victoria at Aus$5.7 billion and Queensland at Aus$3.7 billion.

The figures were seized upon by opponents of the gaming industry, with Independent MP Andrew Wilkie calling for a change in laws relating to pokies.

“Why governments haven't acted before this beggars belief and I'm hopeful there are enough people in this government to see the opportunity to finally do something,” Wilkie told the news.com.au website.

Meanwhile, Dr Charles Livingston, a gambling researcher at Monash University's School of Public Health and Preventative Medicine, told ABC News that he was concerned about the growth of sports betting.

“The massive growth in sports betting is unrivalled, I think, in the history of Australian gambling,” he said.

“I think this latest surge of growth is really directly attributable to the massive marketing and advertising campaigns that the online bookies have been engaging in in the last few years.”

Related article: Australia reveals record gambling spend in 2014-15

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