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Betinvest streamlines the tournament ecosystem for winners’ quick sports tournaments.

| By Laura Gumbrell
Given that in today's fast-growing sports industry, innovation and technology are essential for developing competitive in-house products, Betinvest has announced several improvements to its quick sports content solution, including the rebranding of winners leagues and automation of real-time sports data collection and delivery.

The Winners slogan and visual identification system were updated to reflect better the variety of sports titles associated with the brand. At the same time, the structure and layout of website pages have been redesigned for a better user experience. The “players” section now contains profiles of all table tennis and beach volleyball league members with a picture and key statistical data updated in real-time: the number of matches played, wins and losses, the number of won and lost sets/games, and the win rate. Live broadcasts of table tennis and beach volleyball matches were made available on the “Watch Live” multi-screen webpage.

Live streams themselves have been enhanced with competitors’ Lineup widgets designed to improve users’ digital experiences. Widgets appear on the screen 5 minutes before the start of the match, introducing viewers to the participants and their tournament statistics, which are automatically updated in real-time.

Betinvest has also overhauled analysis methods, leading to faster sports data collection and consolidation of multiple components into one unified environment. The winners matchmaking team has grown to fifty to ensure that there is always a person at the sporting venue that keeps a close eye on the match as it goes. All key statistics are calculated, aggregated, and updated in real-time on the winners statistics center webpage using Betinvest’s in-house software-analytical system.

Several significant changes have touched upon on-site events and data delivery as well. Digital displays on referee tables now allow sports fans and tournament participants to easily follow match scores, penalty cards, and in-game timers. Any changes in the event schedule (substitutions, delays, cancellations, etc.) are instantly updated on the winners tournament platform and automatically emailed to Betinvest clients.

As of right now, the Winners brand incorporates professional table tennis and beach volleyball competitions and hosts unique three-point basketball contests. The winners leagues involve more than 500 professional athletes, including the participants and awardees of numerous national and international championships. The 24-hour daily tournaments are accredited by Betinvest’s exclusive partners, governing national and regional sports federations, among which the  Ukrainian Table Tennis Federation (UTTF). All matches (up to 6000 per month) are included in the corresponding event calendars. Tournament regulations are created based on compliance with internationally recognised standards and requirements.