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SoftGamings platform gets Romanian certification of compliance

| By Rochelle Piggot
SoftGamings, the industry’s leading casino aggregator and software provider, has received certification of compliance with Romanian National Gambling Office (ONJN) standards, paving the way for the company to extend its presence in the global market. 

SoftGamings, the industry’s leading casino aggregator and software provider, has received certification of compliance with Romanian National Gambling Office (ONJN) standards, paving the way for the company to extend its presence in the global market. 

The company’s award-winning platform now possesses a certificate of compliance with the standards established by the ONJN, confirming SoftGamings’ dedication to proving its product is capable of meeting the highest industry standards in all leading jurisdictions. 

The certification was the next step after securing a B2B license (Class 2) from ONJN in November 2022, allowing SoftGamings to roll out its platform across Romania’s entire regulated market and provide it to all ONJN-licensed operators and those who plan to obtain said license.

Moreover, the certification confirms integration testing of the top-tier game content providers (present in Romania with their B2B licences), meaning the green light to provide ONJN-licensed operators with all available content through one-stop-shop integration (instead of multiple integrations with each game provider). 

Romania mandates that all suppliers and operators must obtain the required licences and certifications to offer their products and services to businesses and customers in the country. Strict vetting procedures precede the issuance of such certificates and, by passing those procedures, SoftGamings’ platform has earned the label of fair and safe for both operators and users. 

Forging partnerships with licensed operators in Romania and delivering industry-leading casino software solutions is the next item on SoftGamings’ agenda. 

Anna Lalina, head of partnerships at SoftGamings, said: “The new certification our platform received is congruent with our company’s strategy of establishing a visible and permanent presence in the markets of Eastern Europe. With this certification of compliance in the books, we can now address multiple cooperation requests from Romanian operators and bring turnkey and other casino software solutions to this budding market. 

“Each time we receive certification for our software, it’s an important milestone for the company. It gives us  the much-needed assurance that our solutions have what it takes to compete with the best of them, in any given market, especially in fiercely competitive ones, such as the one in Romania.”

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