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IBIA appeals for tennis match-fixers to come forward

| By Marese O'Hagan
The International Betting Integrity Association (IBIA) has responded to reports of match fixing in tennis in the Dutch media urging those involved to report to the International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA).
ITIA tennis betting

The claims – alleging that 10 professional players, including four from the Netherlands, worked with a known match fixer for extra income, were made by aDutch professional tennis player on the NOS podcast Getfixt.

The player chose to remain anonymous.

Khalid Ali, CEO of the IBIA, appealed for anyone with knowledge on the claims, and those involved, to come forward with information.

“IBIA condemns any form of match manipulation and works closely with many sports bodies to combat this, including the tennis authorities,” said Ali.

“In this case, we urge the parties involved to contact the ITIA.” 

Ali also stressed that anyone who is contacted by individuals seeking to corrupt matches must report it.

“The association encourages all players and others linked to sport who are approached by corrupters to immediately report this to their respective governing and integrity bodies.” 

In its first quarter results in April, the IBIA reported that tennis and esports generated the highest betting integrity alerts for the period.

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