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SEO: Quick tips to keep your backlink profile safe

| By iGB Editorial Team

Negative SEO attacks are part and parcel of life as an igaming operator, affiliate or network, but there are processes and tools igaming companies can use to protect their brands against such attacks, writes Luke Ormerod, director of search media specialist Blueclaw.  

“Sometimes success can breed jealousy – and that can result in some ugly outcomes.

In recent weeks Blueclaw’s analysts have identified several negative SEO attacks against operators, bingo white labels and several top level affiliates.

Sadly this type of activity is actually common place in the igaming sector and most operators have processes and procedures in place to protect their brand against such attacks.

If you don’t have a plan to tackle the threat of negative SEO, there are some simple procedures and processes that any digital marketing manager, webmaster or site owner can use to keep their website safe.

Proactivity is key – how to manage your online profile
We advise that you check for new inbound links from websites every Monday and Friday while using websites like Majestic help monitor new links daily.

Start by using majestic.com’s “new” link finding tab:

Large influxes of links that do not correspond with your standard link earning patterns are often a sure sign of un-natural activity orchestrated by an unscrupulous third party.

This does not mean you only check that date range of course – all links should be checked every Monday and Friday.

Check specific dates by selecting the dates around the un-natural patterns:

From there you can now export all the new links from that period and assess which links need to be added to your disavow file.

So what are we looking for? In general un-natural patterns which will include:

  • Clear use of spammy anchor text
  • Multiple links from the same IP address
  • Links from websites with the same theme
  • Multiple links from the same subnet
  • Unthematic links from topics outside of your topical trustflow
  • The unusual – use your eyes! If it does not fit it should not be there!

There are several other services which can help and do offer similar services:

Majestic.com appears to pick up links quicker than the other tools with Ahrefs.com not far behind. In any case, igaming companies must be energetic and proactive about using the tools available to them to manage risk and guide growth.

Dixon Jones, director of Majestic, commented: “Looking at your links proactively like this is really useful. Here’s two more tips for the alert:

  1. Look at the delta of Citation Flow / Trust Flow in the Majestic numbers. Links with Citation Flow but ZERO trust flow are potentially the most dangerous, although nothing beats using your own eyes and looking at the source page sending you the links.
  2. You can also set up email alerts and over time filter out the sites that keep sending you data every day.”

All these tools help with the process but what if Google has not indexed the link yet? There is a great tool called Linkstant.com:

This tool relies on monitoring referral traffic, typically a webmaster or link owner will check the link is live, Linkstant will pick this up immediately and allow you to assess the link and the threat straight away.

Ideally, assessing and taking action before the link is live is better than waiting for it to be indexed. This tool should be used as part of the wider strategy and not on its own.

So what’s the process?

  1. Check your new links every Friday and Monday
  2. Assess each of the new links for un-natural patterns
  3. Use the common sense check (does this fit with my brand and topic)
  4. Add to the disavow file as and when required

High revenue markets are the most targeted areas for negative SEO but with simple processes and procedures you can take most of the risk out of the equations.”

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