GLMS files 287 suspicious betting alerts in Q2
Some 226 of the alerts raised during the three months to 30 June, were created before a match started, while 44 alerts were triggered after the end of events and 17 during play.
The GLMS said 185 alerts were “green notifications”, which refer to an alert based on suspicious odds movements that later could be explained away.
A further 82 were mid-level amber alerts and 14 code red, which relate to the most serious alerts such as specific allegations of match-fixing. The remaining 33 alerts were classed in the “others” category and included requests for information from members and partners.
Football was by far the sport of most concern during Q2, accounting for 252 of all alerts, some way ahead of esports on 14 alerts, 13 for basketball, four for ice hockey, tennis with two and one each for handball and volleyball.
In terms of where the reports were generated, 156 were in relation to events in Europe, with 59 in Asia, 33 in South America, 27 in Africa, five in Oceania, four in North America and three for international events.
The main reason for alerts being raised was a significant odds change, with this forming the basis of 73 reports. Motivation accounted for 65 alerts, team-related news 43 and the wrong opening price 31.
GLMS raises alerts when it detects irregular betting patterns, after which it then consults with members to investigate the reasons behind the odds changes. When patterns cannot be justified, the GLMS produces a formal report.
Some 20 reports were created during the quarter, four of which were both developed and circulated by GLMS following internal investigation and significant alert. A further three reports were produced following a specific request by member or partner to facilitate internal investigation or for intelligence gathering.