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To Disrupt and Innovate

| By iGB Editorial Team
Nikkos J. Frangos of ArenaCube believes his company’s approach to innovation has resulted in a truly disruptive game for the betting industry. He explains why to iGaming Business.

What are the main challenges you encounter from operating in such a highly competitive environment?

ArenaCube innovates in the realm of ideas, bringing new products to the industry, mainly in the form of on-line social games, so in a sense, we have sidestepped the competition.

On the one hand, our games present players with an alternative to the existing traditional methods of betting, thereby transferring part, or perhaps on occasion, all of a player’s existing betting activity. However, of greater interest is the opening of new frontiers which expand the footprint of the industry, bringing new participants into the world of betting.

Crucially as well, our game explicitly involves our competitors, bringing them together in a spirit of true collaboration.

How you differentiate from your competitors?

We have a unique way of using the coupon that leaves the roots and integrity of betting intact, whilst introducing fresh elements of gameplay and competition. Also, our games are social-centric, respecting the value of
community, and truly capitalising on the mobile revolution as well as the growing trend of live betting.

Players compete against each other in the spirit of true social and strategic gameplay, rather than betting against the house. But, more fundamentally, we are an innovation-focussed company, with   pipeline of innovative games that rather than merely refining existing concepts, radically introduce new ones.

Not only do we develop ideas that can be deployed online, we also believe in enhancing the land-based experience, striving for a more balanced offering across the channels which emphasise the tactile social aspect of face-to-face  interaction.

How was the idea of Arena Challenge born?

Arena Challenge is fundamentally an invention, and as with all inventions, it came through creative thinking combined with a deep and innate understanding of the industry. This and a thirst to create exciting and positive change to an industry that had seen very little by way of innovation or adaptation to the possibilities of our world. After a period of sustained, immersive thought, the eureka moment finally dawned. 

You state that Arena Challenge is a true innovation for the betting industry. How do you justify this assertion?

It is crucial to note that Arena Challenge brings innovation that embraces and enhances the experience and possibilities for both player and platform operator in ways never seen before.

From a player perspective, the same skills required to succeed still apply, but in the case of Arena Challenge, the experience is enhanced through a multi-player betting arena. Here players can pitch their talents against each other, competing using a combination of betting skills and strategic game play.

New possibilities are introduced, whereby for example a player can get one or more selections wrong but still win with unrivalled odds. We also have an in-built ranking system, where for the first time in betting history a player can know where he or she ranks nationally, continent-wide, and globally, and can choose their opponents accordingly while opting to compete as casually or as ferociously as they wish.

We also provide tournaments, whereby not only can a player acquire the prestige of being crowned champion, but also can win unprecedented prizes with little to no outlay.

From the perspective of the platform operator, they can host these games, which are a genuine alternative to traditional betting, while achieving a rake of up to 20% and taking on absolutely risk.

In addition, the management and cost of a team of risk managers is completely removed from the equation, as is the requirement for cash collateral to protect against the risk exposure of traditional betting.

This also significantly reduces barriers to entry, helping expand the global user base competing in Arena Challenge, magnifying the network effect and the community, and enriching the prizes, thereby fueling a virtuous circle of growth.

Do you have plans to expand into more markets in 2016?

Yes we do. We plan to expand our reach globally into every possible country using strategic alliances, collaborating with the best partner in each jurisdiction.

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