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KYC & Identity Verification: The New Table Stakes for Legalized Sports Betting

September 6th 2018 @ 12:54

In May, the United States Supreme Court repealed the Professional and Amateur Sports Provision Act 1992 (aka PASPA) paving the way for individual states to legalize online sports betting in the U.S. This means individual states can introduce legislation permitting sports betting if they so wish, by striking down a federal law which had effectively prohibited this. This opens the floodgates for casinos, gaming operators, and online fantasy leagues to explore the viability of legalized sports betting. But, this also means that these progressive states need to figure out the best approach to making sports books secure with authentication and advanced identity verification.

In this webinar, you’ll learn…

• The current state of the PASPA repeal
• In-person vs online identity verification
• Taking a page out of the European sports betting playbook
• The importance of a fast, simple & compliant verification process
