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Africa iGaming Dashboard

| By Joanne Christie
H2 Gambling Capital and iGaming Business are pleased to bring you the Africa iGaming Dashboard

H2 Gambling Capital and iGaming Business are pleased to bring you this Africa iGaming Dashboard, which we prepared as part of our recent Africa Focus 2018.

It follows the evolution of the African igaming sector from 2003 with projections up to 2022.

When compared with the global iGaming Dashboard H2 and iGB produce on a monthly basis, there are some striking differences in the African region.

Although overall igaming growth and, in particular, mobile growth show a clear upward trajectory, the graph showing what percentage of the market is 'white' is more difficult to interpret.

The African market clearly lags the global market in terms of regulated markets, with about 40% of igaming being 'white' against about 60% globally. But the pattern shows regular fluctuations rather than the clear upward trend seen globally.

This could be because gambling regulators in African countries are prone to introducing ill-thought out regulatory and taxation systems that lead to previously white markets turning grey as established operators leave.

The Kenyan government, for example, announced last year a 35% tax on gambling operators, which many view as unworkable and say will dramatically affect what is currently Africa's strongest igaming market. 

Another notable difference between Africa and other regions is the verticals that are most popular. Given the popularity of football on the continent, sports betting is the clear leader. But unlike other regions, casino games have yet to take off in Africa and it's lotteries that capture the next biggest share of the pie after betting.

H2 Gambling Capital is the gambling industry's leading consulting, market intelligence and data team. The company has a track record of nearly 15 years focused on the global gambling industry, its projections have been influential in shaping legislators'  and investors’ views of the gambling sector across the globe. 


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