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Inside the convoluted New York City casino licensing process

| By iGB Freelance | Reading Time: < 1 minute
The licensing approval and then the eventual opening of four commercial casinos in 2016 and 2017 in upstate New York was a relative breeze compared to the current second phase of planned casino expansion in the state.
New York city

That would be the awarding of three casino licences in the New York City area at sites that would bring in dramatically larger amounts of tax revenue to the state than their upstate counterparts.

Why has this process proven so much more cumbersome? When will winners finally be chosen? And why does a prominent New York City elected official describe the saga to Casino Reports as “an embarrassing picture of ineptness”?

A complex process

First, look to the 2022 New York State budget, which established a different siting process for the city licences. Previously, the New York State Gaming Commission had the final say. This time around, a gaming facility location board (GFLB) was created to determine the casino sites. (The commission’s only role would be potentially disqualifying applicants for reasons of “fitness and character” of the project’s leadership.)

The GFLB’s five members each were appointed by Governor Kathy Hochul. But before any bid even reaches the desk of the GFLB members, it must pass through another committee. A community advisory committee for each application first must approve the project after ensuring that all zoning requirements are met.

Read the full story here.

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