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Slovakian operators back new voluntary advertising code

| By Richard Mulligan
Slovakia’s gambling operators are looking to drive improved social responsibility standards in the country’s market after a majority signed up to a new advertising code.

More than 80% of operators have committed themselves to the Code of Responsible Advertising, which has been developed by the Gambling Regulatory Authority (URHH) in collaboration with the operators. The aim of the document, based on a concept proposed by the regulator, is to ensure greater protection for minors and vulnerable people.

Some 36 operators have already signed up to the code, which represents more than 80% of the gambling market in Slovakia.

URHH director general David Lenčéš said: “Our interest is that gambling represents a safe source of entertainment, and these will be a legally predictable environment for operators and consumers alike. That is why I am pleased that together we have succeeded in adopting a document that defines clear advertising standards, which will help to increase the protection of at-risk groups and youth.”

Those who commit to the code agree they will encourage responsible gambling, such as drawing attention to the risk of financial losses and becoming addicted. They will also not feature minors or use characters that may be appealing to young people, and will not use statements from well-known personalities from culture, society and sport.

Any legal gambling operators or other stakeholders in the media industry that promote gambling may voluntarily subscribe to Code of Responsible Advertising.

Lenčéš added: “I hope that these rules will be an important starting point for further discussions on how to responsibly face the gambling challenges. Our common goal should be to promote a strong and modern regulatory framework that will be provide protection for at-risk groups and the youth.”

The URHH last year announced a white list for websites run by licensed operators in order to help players recognise which offerings are legal.

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