Home > Sports betting > PBS targets German B2C growth via HPYBET brand

PBS targets German B2C growth via HPYBET brand

| By Daniel O'Boyle
Playtech BGT Sports (PBS), a subsidiary of the gaming solutions giant, aims to double the size of its HYPBET-branded retail betting estate in Germany as part of a “massive investment” in the market.

Playtech BGT Sports (PBS), a subsidiary of the gaming solutions giant, aims to double the size of its HYPBET-branded retail betting estate in Germany as part of a “massive investment” in the market.

The B2C brand currently operates around 500 shops throughout the country, but aims to increase this to around 1,000 locations.

HPYBET managing director Peter Reinhardt said he believes the brand’s willingness to invest in retail would persuade franchisees of rival brands to make the switch to PBS.

The brand was launched in 2017, and is active in the German and Austrian markets, powered exclusively by PBS software.

While its German estate is currently around half the size of the current retail market leader Tipico, Reinhardt said this still leaves a large addressable market that could become HPYBET outlets.

“There are around 4000 shops in Germany, of which 1000 are operated by the market leader,” Reinhardt said. “We are talking about potentially 3000 shop owners who could switch to us.”

Reinhardt added that the company’s software, including its omni-channel platform, was a major selling point for potential franchisees.

“Technologically, we offer one of the best solutions on the market and are investing massively in the expansion of our shop network as well marketing HPYBET,” he explained.

“We want to use the revolution in the industry and penetrate the market with our product, the brand and our franchise partners.

“Few providers are currently meeting the high technical standards and only a few will manage the balancing act between growing customer demands and increasing regulation,” Reinhardt continued. “We expect a further consolidation of the sports betting market and in the medium term we aim to be at least among the top two providers.”

HPYBET is led by former Betfair director of Central Europe Reinhardt and mybet retail strategy chief Michael Lessig, who serve as PBS’ co-managing directors for the German market.

Day-to-day management of the brand is handled by former Microsoft executive Andreas Köberl, who serves as chief executive of PBS’ Malta-based Trinity Bet Group subsidiary, supported by PBS German sales director Imam Elci.​

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