Epic Risk Management launches elite sport gambling harm board

Each member of the board has experience within gaming, esports, athlete welfare and sports integrity.
The board is made up of nine members, including Steve Emberson, betting integrity manager at Genius Sports, Cam Adair, entrepreneur and founder of Game Quitters, and Jack Francis, head of academy player care at Chelsea FC.
Epic’s previous work in elite sports has aimed to make athletes aware of the potential consequences of gambling excessively.
As part of its initiative, the board will help to influence policy and strategy of sports worldwide to provide resources for players and communities.
“We are extremely proud to announce such a diverse and wide-ranging advisory board,” said Paul Buck, EPIC Risk Management’s CEO and founder.
“EPIC firmly believe in collaboration as the way to solve problems and that is why we are including members from different parts of the ecosystem. We invite and already have interest from different sports in different countries and we hope the board will grow to be a global thought leader in gaming and gambling harm prevention.”
Last month, Epic Risk Management partnered with WHYSUP and Teen Tips to launch a responsible gambling education programme for teenagers.