Home > Webinars > Knowing me, knowing you: How can brands and affiliates develop more trust-based partnerships?

Knowing me, knowing you: How can brands and affiliates develop more trust-based partnerships?

August 13th 2020 @ 11:27

The relationship between an operator and affiliate has often been known to be a challenging one. Operators need to be able to trust that the leads received are good quality in regards to legal compliance and player spend. While affiliates need to be trust that the operator will always pay them fairly and give full value for the traffic generated.

In this session we discussed how both parties can ensure a more transparent and sustained working relationship through better sharing of resources, data and knowing how to take full advantage of the available communication channels.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • How to maintain a good operator/affiliate relationship
  • How cooperative use of data and resources can supercharge profits
  • The importance of effective communication