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Online Casinos Can’t Afford to Gamble on Online Player Experiences

November 9th 2018 @ 15:22

Online gambling is gaining a lot of market traction, especially among millennials, who prefer to play online rather than visit a casino.

But online players today typically experience a time lag of two to five seconds on their online video stream, causing long play time to complete a game. Delivering true realtime global online streaming requires a new approach.

This webinar took place on Thursday 29th November at 2pm GMT. Video delivery experts from Limelight Networks present ways to deliver broadcast quality realtime latency live streams, including the ability for online players to experience consistent game action streaming with less than one second of latency on popular web browsers—without special plug-ins. Speeding online play increases revenue for the casino.

In addition, we will discuss how to integrate live video and interactive data to open up new workflows, and make live online playing a more interactive social experience, changing how online player experience game play.

In this webinar you will learn about:

1. Latest market data on the evolving player expectations for online gambling
2. Delivering low-latency live video with today’s HLS and DASH chunked streaming techniques
3. Sub-second global live streaming using new technologies
4. How creating interactive online experiences by integrating live data with video can help open up new business opportunities
5. The latest trends in cybersecurity to maintain the integrity of online games