Home > Webinars > Real user and performance monitoring – How to improve customer experiences in modern HTML5 games

Real user and performance monitoring – How to improve customer experiences in modern HTML5 games

March 27th 2018 @ 15:00 - March 15th 2019 @ 18:11

This interactive session explains best practices for operators and platform providers when considering how to monitor and tune the performance and quality of modern HTML5 games at scale.

In this session, we aim to look at solutions beyond the typical network/CDN related timers, as well as new key metrics and insights that operators and platform providers could be seeing from their users in real time. 

We will look at tracking perceived performance metrics covering:

– Users and the fight for device resources
– Javascript performance
– Visual performance
– Error performance

This includes best practices, finding issues when you have a very large collection of different games over multiple channels, developed by different teams and played over disparate geographies on different platforms.

After this session you understand how real user monitoring can assist to make your HTML5 games faster, and how this positively impacts gameplay.

Speaker: Tim Vereecke, Web Performance Architect, EMEA, Akamai Technologies

This webinar is took place at 14.00 GMT on Wednesday 27th March 2019.
