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Lithuania Gambling Authority closes confiscation loophole

| By Marese O'Hagan
Lithuania's Gambling Supervisory Authority has amended the country's Code of Administrative Offences (ANK) after it discovered a loophole that prohibited the confiscation of tools used to commit illegal acts or the proceeds that result from them.

Article 34, paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the ANK state that objects used in an administrative offence must be confiscated, along with any proceeds.

However the ANK did not permit the actual confiscation of these items from companies, only from individuals who receive income from the illegal acts.

The Authority provided an example of this loophole in action, explaining that if a company organised an illegal gambling game and received income from it, the loophole would not allow the Authority to confiscate the earnings.

However, the income would be able to be taken from an individual.

The Authority flagged this and submitted an amendment to article 134 of the ANK in 2021. This was approved, and officially adopted into law on 12 May.

In May three operators received fines from the Authority after breaching Lithuania’s advertising rules.

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