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iGB and Blueclaw produce special LAC edition SEO Report

| By iGB Editorial Team
iGaming Business and Blueclaw have once again partnered to produce a special SEO report to coincide with the London Affiliate Conference.

iGaming Business and Blueclaw have once again partnered to produce a special SEO report, this time to coincide with the London Affiliate Conference.

Written by Joel Turner, Blueclaw operations director, it provides 10 key actionable steps all affialiates can take to improve their search presence and rankings.

Whether it's app indexing, tweets making a return or piggyback publishing to get reach, readers will be able to get all the latest trends to ensure their affiliate or operator sites are right up to date with all things related to search and rankings.    

Click on the link below to read the report and we hope you enjoy it. 


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