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Optimove rolls out AI marketing optimisation tool

| By iGB Editorial Team
Digital market software provider Optimove has announced the launch of Self-Optimising Journeys, a new artificial intelligence solution that it said autonomously determines ways to guide customer behaviour.

Digital market software provider Optimove has announced the launch of Self-Optimising Journeys, a new artificial intelligence solution that it said autonomously determines ways to guide customer behaviour.

The new solution identifies all campaigns each customer is eligible for and evaluates all journey possibilities, response probabilities and potential impact on customer lifetime value.

With this information, Optimove says, the user will then be able to determine and serve the next-best-action for each of their customers.

The solution was first launched in beta mode in the fourth quarter of 2019, with more than 80 companies now running Self-Optimising Journeys.

Of those already using the solution, Optimove said 46% had experienced uplift in comparison with manually prioritised campaigns, while 55% of beta users saw high adoption rates and orchestrated over 30% of campaigns with the solution.

“Self-Optimising Journeys represent the first time marketers can stop worrying about manually plotting and prioritizing customer journeys to focus on what they do best—crafting personalised messages for each customer interaction,” Optimove’s vice president product Shai Frank said.

“With today’s announcement, Optimove ensures individualised journeys that autonomously adapt based on each customer’s characteristics and behaviours, effectively allowing customers to ‘plot their own journey’.”

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